We always set prices individually with our clients depending on the type of document to be translated and the term of work completion.
We do not always offer the same fixed rates for translating service. The final price is always agreed on with our Client by negotiation, after familiarizing with documents, specifying the scope of works and the deadline. We discuss with our Client most important issues concerning the work and then we offer our price.
In order to get a precise quotation of your work please contact with our sales consultant by phone:+48 22 831-87-52 or send an e-mail to: amar@amar-translations.pl |
NOTE!As quality is in our focus, the standard price includes at least four out of the following work stages:
- a file is subject to graphic processing before we start to translate it,
- translation is done by an experienced translator, a graduate in specialist studies in the field corresponding to the subject matter of translated text,
- after being translated, the text is verified as regards terminology by the second specialist,
- final documents are additionally proofread by linguists,
- if there is such a need, translator consults with an expert in a given field at every stage of work on the text.
During long-standing activity in translating industry we have worked out a few basic rules regarding pricing. They enable reliable quotation of a document depending on work consumption and additional requirements regarding editing.
- Texts received in an electronic form are quoted on the basis of the number of characters in the text. Standard page contains 1600 characters with spaces and depending on the language its minimum net cost of translation is PLN 36.00.
- In case of texts received in a form of hardcopies we quote them individually by counting a number of pages of the document. The price depends on the amount of text, page size, font size and laboriousness of editing.
- In case there is a need to scan pictures, make descriptions in the pictures and keep page layout, the price of these additional works may be negotiated depending on the layout complexity, the amount of text and client's decision concerning the final layout of translated document.
- Documents in non-typical formats that cannot be quoted based on the number of characters and pages are calculated individually and we give only estimated number of characters or quote on the basis of physical pages of the document.
- Depending on the deadline, there are the following types of translations:
- We offer reduced prices for regular clients or in case of bigger projects!
- Translated texts are delivered to the client in the same form as they were sent to us by e-mail. These are most often MsWord, pdf or other fixed format.
- We may also save a file on CD or DVD or make a hard copy at the client's request.
- If there's a need we may make a colour printout or offer large volume printing in a printing house.
- Documents are accepted for translation after getting an order and price approval from a client.
- We issue VAT invoices. The prices listed on our website are net prices, without VAT. which in case of foreign clients is paid by a buyer of the service according to the regulations binding in their country.
Ordinary translation (below 6 pages per day, not less than 3 days for translation work completion)
Urgent translation (7-9 pages per day, not less than 2 days for translation work completion) → ordinary translation price +30%
Express translation (10-12 pages per day, not less than 1 day for translation work completion)→ ordinary translation price + 60%
Super - express translation (above12 pages per day or less than 24 hours for translation work completion) → ordinary translation price + 100%
Do not hesitate to contact us to get free quotation of your document. Send your text by e- mail on: amar@amar-translations.pl or call our sales department: +48 22 831-87-52.